+44 (0)1234 757575

Managing From a Distance


Line managers, team leaders, senior managers

Many organisations now have remote workers employed as part of the permanent staff; this course is aimed at any leader or manager who is faced with the different challenges that managing these remote workers entails.


The concept of virtual or remote teams is not a new phenomenon – especially since the impact of the pandemic.

People are now much more likely to work remotely-which means managers might rarely see them. Managers who are asked to lead remote teams must be able to adapt to this challenge; managing remote teams requires a different approach. It means developing new skills, communication methodologies and techniques to get the best out of teams and improve organisational and personal performance.

This workshop aims to provide the tools and techniques to overcome these challenges. It will provide practical tips to help managers lead effectively, communicate successfully and consequently increase the performance of their virtual or remote team.


Having attended this workshop learners will be able to:

  • Understand and develop the skills required to effectively manage from a distance
  • Build engagement and trust with members of your remote team
  • Effectively use technology and tools to support communication within the team
  • Improve your communication and feedback approach with your remote team
  • Track progress and performance management of team members to achieve success


This is a one day workshop which covers a wealth of knowledge to better enable leaders and managers to perform their role successfully.

Using a combination of group work, one to one discussions and sharing personal experiences to which this learning could be applied, the knowledge is embedded with activities and practical exercises, and the day ends with a plan for actioning this new learning in the workplace beyond the workshop.

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