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Bullying & Harassment


All levels

This course is designed for line managers, team leaders, managers – or anyone who feels that they would benefit from a better understanding of how to deal with any form of bullying & harassment in the workplace.


Bullying & harassment behaviour in the workplace is unpleasant and offensive. It can affect an individual’s professional performance and psychological welfare and can be so destructive that the effects continue after work, devastating personal lives as well as careers. Harassment and bullying can result in low morale, increased sickness absence, or resignations. It is in everyone’s best interests to have a workplace free of harassment and bullying.

This training sets out to answer the common questions, concerns, and legal implications of bullying and harassment in the workplace. It attempts to look at the issue from every point of view and help provide you with useful advice whether you are the victim of harassment, the organisation, or the accused.


Having attended this workshop learners will be able to:

  • Highlight the importance of an environment where everyone feels safe from bullying & harassment
  • Discuss how bullying & harassment is viewed in the eyes of the law
  • Identify different methods that are used to bully and harass
  • Understand your role in ensuring that bullying & harassment is eliminated
  • Demonstrate how to deal with cases of bullying & harassment


This is a half-day workshop; the structure of the session covers all aspects of what bullying & harassment means, assessing personal experiences and concerns, and applying what is learned to attendee’s ongoing careers.

The session will include group work, personal reflection, and one-to-one discussions.

The learning is broken down into key topics, with opportunities for discussion, skills practice, and learning points.

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