Inclusivity in the Modern World
The latest episode of our Podcast, Unlocking your Potential, with guest presenter Kul Verma
Inclusivity in the Modern World
"Privilege is not simple, and it cuts across all the axes; if we don’t acknowledge privilege, and the impact it has, there can’t be any hope of change. People simply conform and replicate what already exists."
Kul Verma
Our most recent podcast welcomed Kul Verma, who spoke with Laura Kean about the impact and importance of inclusivity in leadership, and of having the difficult conversations in every organisation.
Founder and Director of Deep Insight, a company that looks at disruptive thought, bringing new habits of thinking and change into leadership and organisations, Kul has over thirty years of experience in leadership development.
Born in India, Kul moved to the UK as a child. He found his new home very different to what he’d known and lacking in the colour and vibrancy that had shaped his early years. After experiencing racial abuse from a police officer, Kul was determined to protect others from that experience – one that so many of his peers shared: he joined the police force with the aim of changing how the police communicate on issues around inequality and, more specifically, the racial discourse across a system heavily impacted by historic issues.
Many of the programmes ASK run are focused on this same Cultural Change, and on identifying the (often unconscious, but nevertheless insipid and damaging) biases that shape organisations; Kul Verma is one of our most experienced and impactful consultants in this area, and this episode of our podcast “Unlocking your Potential” is a fascinating and educational discussion about his particular areas of expertise.
Kul and Laura cover a range of issues, identifying challenges that we know you and your team might be facing around inclusivity and privilege, as well as discussing some of the best ways to overcome those challenges.
Listen to the full episode by hitting any of the buttons below, and don’t forget to add ‘Unlocking Your Potential’ to wherever you get your podcasts, so you don’t miss any of the thought-provoking conversations to come.
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