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Expert to Leader

Leadership is not about the position you hold, but the way you conduct yourself and the behaviours you demonstrate. This distinction highlights the difficulty many highly qualified, intelligent people experience as they move from long held ‘expert’ positions – where their status, influence and respect are based on their knowledge – into management and leadership roles.

Without development and support, this upward step can become a trip hazard: while their expertise and knowledge can provide a shortcut to establishing trust, success is far from automatic. As the emphasis shifts from knowledge to relationships, the newly promoted expert must understand that leaders earn respect for what they do and say, rather than what they know.

Leadership is ‘not about knowing more’: leaders must also be able to provide vision and strategy, demonstrating emotional intelligence in the way they relate to and engage others, aiming not merely to inform but to inspire them.

Personal, real and relevant
Drawing on two decades of experience, ASK’s Expert to Leader Programme provides a phased approach, supporting behavioural change by ensuring development remains:

  • personal (using psychometrics and diagnostic tools to develop self-awareness)
  • real (being explicitly set in the context of the organisation and its business agenda)
  • relevant (inviting participants to work on real Business Challenges that enable them to ‘hit the floor running’ when they return to work)

Our Engage, Learn, Transfer and Evaluate approach maximises the application of learning by driving learner engagement and critical Line Manager involvement, and providing follow-through with coaching and support. We also offer a Personal Development Mentoring service after our training events, ensuring learning and development remains personal and relevant and is translated into sustained, improved performance.

Expert to Leader

For over 20 years, we have worked across industry to help intelligent, highly qualified technical experts embrace the challenge of leading and managing people. Our observations have enabled us to identify the changes in attitude, skills and behaviour demanded by this shift of responsibilities.

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